About this project

How Self-Service is Changing the Customer Experience is a white paper that explores the benefits and considerations of implementing self-service for small to medium sized businesses.


  • Brainstorm/Research: Narrowed down a topic in technology I wanted to write about
  • Product Research: Explored the software and studied available resources (YouTube and Discord)
  • Audience Analysis: Identified the audience specific to my whitepaper topic
  • Research: I conducted research (and used my own experience) to present two use cases
  • Draft
  • Peer Review
  • Edit/Finalize: Incorporated peer feedback into my final document


  • It was challenging, but fun to flex my research muscles. It was a good refresher to review the process of citing sources.
  • I became more familiar with Word's features such as creating standardized styles, table of contents, and managing image placements.
  • This was our first assignment where we got to give and receive peer feedback, which gave me a new appreciation for the editing process.

Connect with me tracywritestech@gmail.com